stronger bodies are harder to break
Let us handle the gym, so you can handle life
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Get the support & guidance you need
“No matter what you're going to see results, it's going to be effective, and I could not recommend it more highly to anyone else!”
– Megan L

Amber B
This challenge was absolutely amazing!! I've been using your workouts for a least a year if not longer and just watching u and Noel grow and develop by helping myself and others to push ourselves and stay motivated has been such a lif...
This challenge was absolutely amazing!! I've been using your workouts for a least a year if not longer and just watching u and Noel grow and develop by helping myself and others to push ourselves and stay motivated has been such a life changing experience! I can't wait to continue down this path.. & as for me the last few months have been a roller coaster of events in my life & having this app to keep me focused has been such a blessing! Thank u for this opportunity and am looking forward to continuing to grow with u guys!

Annie W
AMAZING!! Thank you Sam & Noel for pouring into us! You gave me the courage & confidence that I needed. I lost 13.5lbs & feel so good!! Time for a reverse diet & a deload week. THANK YOU!

Ashley M
8 weeks of challenging workouts, but no surprise to me. I've been working out with the Sweendoggs for 2 years now with Hybrid, Strength, Hybrid 2.0 and the daily workouts on the app. Intensity has been the name of the game for some ti...
8 weeks of challenging workouts, but no surprise to me. I've been working out with the Sweendoggs for 2 years now with Hybrid, Strength, Hybrid 2.0 and the daily workouts on the app. Intensity has been the name of the game for some time and I love it. That's why I've stuck around!
The challenge for me was about accountability and discipline. Coming out of a holiday season where cookies and fun family dinners were abundant (thank goodness for those things!), it was time for a reset and refocus. 8 weeks of workouts and commitment to water, protein and proper recovery. My biggest "change" accomplishment might even be the fact that I committed to and executed week where slept in, one FULL rest day per
kept my macros the same and didn't go to the gym. Most people don't have a problem doing those things, but if you do then you know exactly how difficult that was for me.
Physically, sure, I lost a few pounds. 5 to be exact. love seeing some more definition in my arms and shoulders, legs and even a couple of abs showing up. I'm more impressed with the numbers that are written on paper during the daily workouts. Hitting new PRs almost WEEKLY over the last 8 weeks in every piece of the split! Back Squat PRs multiple times, ending with 250x1, Pull-ups for full sets unassisted, Deadlift pulls with ease on full body days that exceed previous 1RM and front squat PRs week after week ending with 175x2. never dreamed of hitting some of the weights that I achieved with these workouts.
Over the course of the 8 weeks, I also gained some confidence to stand my ground on an issue that has been looming. Losing an accountabilibuddy wasn't an easy transition, but I moved on and through! Nothing holding me back in a space where I felt like I needed to be quiet.

Ashley s
I'm attaching photos of the physical change, comparisons from the beginning of the challenge to the end. Please consider these and then imagine that the Hulk also entered me during my workouts for some of the best lifts of life so far...
I'm attaching photos of the physical change, comparisons from the beginning of the challenge to the end. Please consider these and then imagine that the Hulk also entered me during my workouts for some of the best lifts of life so far. Thanks for a fun event and PLEASE keep 'em coming!

Carol K
This was unbelievable. I cannot recommend this app highly enough. The daily drop of recorded sessions kept the motivation and drive consistent. The variety of exercises kept interest high and challenging. Sam and Noel (and the pups) a...
This was unbelievable. I cannot recommend this app highly enough. The daily drop of recorded sessions kept the motivation and drive consistent. The variety of exercises kept interest high and challenging. Sam and Noel (and the pups) are my new coaches and I'm not going anywhere. If you follow the sessions, you'll get results.

Christi B
The challenge was absolutely amazing. It was programmed beautifully and highly motivational. It was so inspiring to see so many people come together and support each other. I can't wait for the next one!

Christina B
Amazing! I loved that we had fundamental lifts stay the same throughout the program and we could build on that. I increased my weight on all my lifts and felt so strong at the end! I also loved the variety of new lifts. Some I had nev...
Amazing! I loved that we had fundamental lifts stay the same throughout the program and we could build on that. I increased my weight on all my lifts and felt so strong at the end! I also loved the variety of new lifts. Some I had never tried before and it got me out of my comfort zone! The workouts were explained perfectly and when executed properly (actually reading and making sure was doing pauses, or eccentric hold etc…) were so killer!! Thank you Sam and Noel!! You guys have a gift, thank you for sharing it with all of the world!!

Deanna B
The challenge was amazing! I found my love for fitness again! Not only did I gain strength and physical changes I gained confidence in myself again. I feel great in my skin again! Thank you Sam and Noel for creating this challenge!

Ian M
(Warning, this may get long!). think the best words I have for this challenge are "Thank You!" This challenge has literally changed the course of my personal health. In the past 6 years, I've had 3 amazing boys, but with those boys ca...
(Warning, this may get long!). think the best words I have for this challenge are "Thank You!" This challenge has literally changed the course of my personal health. In the past 6 years, I've had 3 amazing boys, but with those boys came an extra 20 lbs of weight and the loss of strength i once had. I would work out extremely rarely and would try a diet here and there, but nothing would stick. When initially seeing the post about a challenge, I almost didn't join-telling myself "this will just be another failed attempt in the end". Thankfully, my amazing wife convinced me it was a win win for me either way, and not going to lie, the motivation for some cash on top made the choice to join easier. My wife can attest to the fact that I've never been able to stick to a workout plan for more than a few weeks... Until Now!! Over the last 8 weeks I have been able to build a new routine and completely change my health habits for the better! Random side note- one of my boys was diagnosed with Celiac in week 2 of the challenge so our house had to very quickly adapt to being Gluten free.
This, in the end really forced me to get rid of some bad eating habits. I'm eating a million times healthier, and making sure I take time to put in the work! In the end I was down 19lbs and gained an incredible amount of strength! I went from only being able to do a couple pull ups to being able to complete 8. All I can say is thank you! Thank you for providing an opportunity for me to really challenge myself. Thank you for being present with the participants and constantly providing us with encouragement. Thank you for helping me change my life! (My wife says thank you too!) Keep up the amazing work!

Jessica C
This structured challenging put on by the Sweenys is just what I needed to get my health back on track. It challenged me in multiple ways and not only do I feel physically stronger but mentally as well!

Jessica R
I knew that being a Personal Trainer myself didn't mean that it was going to be an easy challenge. It most definitely challenged me & my body to the maximum most days. I, however, never expected my body composition to change very much...
I knew that being a Personal Trainer myself didn't mean that it was going to be an easy challenge. It most definitely challenged me & my body to the maximum most days. I, however, never expected my body composition to change very much, but DAMN it sure did. I always tell people that "a trainer needs a trainer too!" This challenge proved that statement to be 100% TRUE! I look forward to continuing to invest in myself as well as invest in my friends' company! Thank you both very much for everything that you do and all the lives that you are changing daily.

Jessie F
This challenge was mentally refreshing. The mental clarity I received was like no other. What made this challenge different was the community you have created. I made friends who are for me and want to see me achieve at my highest lev...
This challenge was mentally refreshing. The mental clarity I received was like no other. What made this challenge different was the community you have created. I made friends who are for me and want to see me achieve at my highest level, including you. What I see in my after photos is more than a leaner body, see sweat, tears, dedication, discipline, achievement, 8 weeks of showing up & being completely committed to myself & your programming.
I've done the "quick fixes" & with that was never fulfilled. My "why" wasn't in the right place when it came to fitness. I was simply only trying to shrink my body. My journey started a long time ago, truly started struggling when I was in my teens with body dysmorphia & the mental demons that put me in a very dark place. In 2019 I found my true "why" & shortly after starting my journey I found The Sweeney's & its only been up from there. You have helped guide me through your unique training & your Mental Monday pink bathroom chats to create a true love for my authentic chats to create a true love for my authentic self. You nurture us & remind us that the world needs us just like it needs you.
I want to say thank you for being genuine, authentic & always cheering us on.

Jon R
I'll have to admit that initially I had no interest in joining but soon realized how glad I was that did. Many of the exercises were (at first) unappealing and some uncomfortable to do my own restrictions, physically and due to
I'll have to admit that initially I had no interest in joining but soon realized how glad I was that did. Many of the exercises were (at first) unappealing and some uncomfortable to do my own restrictions, physically and due to
mentally. No matter what, I stuck by them the best I could (burpees excluded, ha!).
It didn't take long for me to feel the benefits; back feeling better, accomplishing from my deadlifts which had been removed completely and building abs rather than just having them from being lean. The best part was breaking from my "normal" routine or "winging it" workouts, having direction as well as reading the descriptions in the exercises which will make my form much better moving forward.
Thank you for insisting that I join in and grateful for the furthered education I was in need of. This will continue to be something I utilize.

Karley L
I began this challenge with a commitment to myself to get under the bar no matter how uncomfortable I was; and I kept that promise to myself for the entire 8 weeks - every single workout. This program & community have made this progre...
I began this challenge with a commitment to myself to get under the bar no matter how uncomfortable I was; and I kept that promise to myself for the entire 8 weeks - every single workout. This program & community have made this progress possible. I gained new friends in the gym, new confidence and a new belief in myself to push beyond the limits thought had. did the work but your experience, knowledge killer workouts made this and straight up challenge so freaking good. I'm so grateful for this program. Thank you!

Michael S
I've never really followed a program and I have kind of always done my own thing when it came to training but my wife had joined your app and really wanted me train with her. was surprised at how challenged I felt when followed certai...
I've never really followed a program and I have kind of always done my own thing when it came to training but my wife had joined your app and really wanted me train with her. was surprised at how challenged I felt when followed certain reps, tempos, and rest time and found that all of those things make a huge difference when training. I decided to join this challenge and see where it would take me and am blown away with how sticking to a certain program and being consistent can make such a huge impact on results. Thank you for this opportunity and helping me grow my gains!

Nick A
Confidence, improved relationship, strength, knowledge, discipline, and perseverance are the words I associate with this challenge.
It was honestly great. My wife and I jumped into it together on her suggestion. wasn't sure abou...
Confidence, improved relationship, strength, knowledge, discipline, and perseverance are the words I associate with this challenge.
It was honestly great. My wife and I jumped into it together on her suggestion. wasn't sure about it since I have never done a workout plan outside of training for sports, and me and Skylar's attempts to work out together previously usually ended in frustration due to work out personality clashes.
The Sweeney challenge gave us a program that was equally challenging and modifiable for both of us, and the structure kept it interesting while allowing us to really nail down our form while learning new techniques through repetition. It really improved my strength and full body fitness while getting us both back in the discipline of working out daily (4:30 in the morning) every day.
This discipline also transferred over to our diet and health. No cheat meals, no unhealthy foods or junk, a gallon of water every day, and reading 10 pages or more of the Bible. We used this challenge to spur a physical, mental, and spiritual change in our lives. My favorite part outside of the workouts was spending quality alone time with my wife, which can be hard to get in a busy world. I also love the confidence that comes with my improved body

Paul H
Amazing challenge! Workouts were challenging but it's exactly what I needed. had been going through the motions at the 3-4 times a week. Not really hitting full gym body. Not even maintaining my fitness level. Started the insidious de...
Amazing challenge! Workouts were challenging but it's exactly what I needed. had been going through the motions at the 3-4 times a week. Not really hitting full gym body. Not even maintaining my fitness level. Started the insidious decline. This challenge redefined my workouts (intensity, variety, pace).
The discipline to stay consistent the past 60 days spilled over into other areas of life. Much easier to stay disciplined with healthy eating, bedtime and wakeup routine, etc. Started waking up early and working out before work which I had never done before (which now love).
Physically and mentally the best version of myself since | got married (14 years ago).
Incredible experience. Created lasting habits and lifestyle change. Encouraging being part of the FB community, definitely gave me encouragement when I wanted to taking a day off.
Thanks so much to Sam, Noel, and the Sweeney community.

Ryan S
This challenge was a lifestyle change. I've done completions challenges set weight loss goals lifting goals, you name it I've tried it but for one reason or another never succeeded. The app, workouts, videos, detailed breakdown was a ...
This challenge was a lifestyle change. I've done completions challenges set weight loss goals lifting goals, you name it I've tried it but for one reason or another never succeeded. The app, workouts, videos, detailed breakdown was a game changer. You gave me the tools to succeed and took so much of the work out of getting the job done. By that fed the process. I followed mean you spoon and I don't recognize myself. I started at 226 and I'm down to 175 from just lifting following your workouts. I have never been in this shape in my life and feel like I have built the foundation I need to carry on with my new lifestyle. I can't express my feelings but I am speechless. thank you for the opportunity in this challenge and I am hyped to continue my progress and continue to challenge myself.

Sharon K
I loved this split. The workouts were physically and mentally challenging. I proved to myself that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. The best part is that as "the regulars" watched me do these workouts, I know I inspired th...
I loved this split. The workouts were physically and mentally challenging. I proved to myself that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. The best part is that as "the regulars" watched me do these workouts, I know I inspired them to push a little harder in their own workouts.
This challenge touched more lives than just the challengers. That's pretty awesome. The Sweeney's are magic!!

Skylar A
Thank you so much for this challenge! It was amazing to build strength, discipline and determination back!! And the physical difference is a big plus too ;)!
Over this challenge I have lost 17lbs total and am so looking forward ...
Thank you so much for this challenge! It was amazing to build strength, discipline and determination back!! And the physical difference is a big plus too ;)!
Over this challenge I have lost 17lbs total and am so looking forward to the next split to see some muscle definition start popping.

Tatum K
I feel like ME. Went through a major life change during these 8 weeks and the workouts kept me from falling into bad habits. It's so much more than a physical change. It's a life change.

Taylor E
This challenge blew my mind Mentally and physically.
Mentally I overcame a lot of fear that was holding me back. I truly allowed myself to take up space, pushed my boundaries and tried new things. Took on 6 days a week at the gy...
This challenge blew my mind Mentally and physically.
Mentally I overcame a lot of fear that was holding me back. I truly allowed myself to take up space, pushed my boundaries and tried new things. Took on 6 days a week at the gym, with no hesitation and took on the full body Fridays (which have always terrified me) ! In the past I would choose to modify some movements without even trying them, because didn't want to embarrass myself, that girl is dead. Now I will never stop trying, because that's how we grow. I feel so empowered by this training style and am truly blown away by how much we've achieved in 8 weeks.
As far as physically, I lost 13lbs, which surprised me because I had no real intention on loosing weight and did not "cut" by any means.
I significantly improved all of my compound lifts, not just in weight but also in form and overall confidence under the bar
Front squats: W1- 95lbs W8- 150lb
Pull-ups: W1-terrified with 2 big bands W7-hit 2 unassisted my first ever pull-ups!
Seated military press: W1-50lb W8-80lb
Back squat: W1-165 W8-205lb
Incline bench W1- 75lb W8-105
I almost didn't take after pictures because had a fear of feeling disappointed. I had to hype myself up and remind myself that I FEEL amazing, I'm in the best shape of my life and pictures will never tell the whole story. Much to my surprise the pictures told me more than anticipate. I am so freaking STOKED to take on this next split with y'all and am just one fire ready to keep building.
I'm incredibly thankful for all the time and effort put into us and the programming, it's truly changed my life.

Terence C
Definitely pushed my comfort limits and help me to increase my strength and endurance in the gym!

Vernon M
All can say is thank you for this 8-week challenge. I've gained so much strength and knowledge over the past few weeks! In less than 5 weeks I have my first ever amateur body building competition on April 9th, this body is a Sweendogg...
All can say is thank you for this 8-week challenge. I've gained so much strength and knowledge over the past few weeks! In less than 5 weeks I have my first ever amateur body building competition on April 9th, this body is a Sweendogg body... thank you

Will P
I loved everything about this challenge!! I am 51 years old and have never seen results like this in (less than) 8 weeks!! (I was out for about 21/2 weeks due to Covid and ankle surgery.) l gained muscle, strength and shed some fat as...
I loved everything about this challenge!! I am 51 years old and have never seen results like this in (less than) 8 weeks!! (I was out for about 21/2 weeks due to Covid and ankle surgery.) l gained muscle, strength and shed some fat as well!
PLEASE keep up the good work! You guys are AWESOME!
- Will P (Fan for life!)
App Reviews

Hybrid + Strength Program Bundle
- Strength
- 8 Weeks + 1 Deload Week
- 6, 5, 4, and 3 days per week split options
- ncludes modification exercises
- All levels

Dumbbell + Strength Program Bundle
- Strength
- 8 Weeks + 1 Deload Week
- 6, 5, 4, and 3 days per week split options
- ncludes modification exercises
- All levels